There are two business styles of writing emails; the first style is business to business, B2B and the second style is business to consumers, B2C.
This article would focus on the business to consumer style. There are six ways through which email marketers can make their emails more effective. These six ways are listed as follows:
1. Kind Of Campaign
There are two options that a marketer has here. The first option is to create a promotion, and the second option is to create a content series. Whatever the marketer chooses, depends on the situation of the business at that time. It also depends on what the business is selling at the time, and where they want their customer to focus.The important thing to remember here is not to send promotion every day, because it would impact the perception of the customer, about the value of the promotion. Marketers need to include valuable and creative content, at least two times a week. Customers should feel that they are receiving quality content and not just lines from the business.
2. Appealing Subject Lines
If a business wants customers to open their emails, then they need to be creative with their approach. They need to write attention grabbing subject lines, which would make the customer curious and open the brand’s email. A marketer needs to come up with appealing subject lines that would make the customer think that, ‘what would happen if I don’t open this email? What am I missing?’ Using the curiosity of customers as a marketing tool is the best way to approach them.3. Friendly Behavior
When marketers email customers, they need to pretend that they are not writing to customers of their business, but to their good friends. They can’t be too formal and dry in their communication and should be friendly and casual, to give a good feeling to the customer. If a marketing email sounds friendly, then the customer would be able to develop a relationship with the brand quickly. Particularly, when emailing to subscribers, the tone of the email should be friendly.For examples, a marketer can tell the customers, stories that they can relate to. For example, either telling about what the company is doing now or their plans for the future or giving them a quick piece of advice, like an inspirational quote.
4. What To Do Next
Customers want the marketers to clearly tell them what they should do, after reading the email. If the marketers don’t make it clear for them, this can leave the customer very confused. For example, if a marketer wants them to visit the company’s website, then that should be mentioned in the email, along with a link to make it easier for the customer.Marketers send customer emails because they signed up for it, and they did so because they are interested in the products and services of the company. They want updates, they want discounts, they need advice and they want marketers to guide them. If a marketer, writes a vague email and doesn’t tell the customer what they should do, then that would be like letting the customer down. The email sent would be deleted, and no action would be taken.
5. Customer Engagement
When marketers email customers with campaigns, they should make sure that they are not sending them irrelevant or unrelated lists. If customers are on the right list, then that would positively impact the sales of the company, and the conversation rates of products would also improve. For example, if a customer wants to receive updates about sports related items, but he is sent updates about a different product, then that won’t be very beneficial.If promotions of a business are being sent to the right people, to the target audience who is actually interested in the products and services being offered, then the business will benefit. There should be a customer list for every product that the business wants to promote, and it will make marketing emails more effective. For example, list building; in this, when the marketer is creating a new list about a new product, he can send an opt-in page to the customer, so that they can subscribe to the list. Through this list, the marketer would send the customers update about the new product. As customers have opt-in for the list, they will be interested in receiving relevant content.
This way, the people who have already subscribed to your other lists, but have not subscribed to this list, will not receive updates. Only those who are interested in the product, would, and this would be effective.
6. Result Checking
When marketers send emails to customers, they should also check the results of those emails. Marketers make the mistake of not checking the tracking list, where they can see the statistics of how many emails have been opened. Doing this, would also help in keeping the list clean.The thing that needs to be done here, is to track the outcome. A marketer has to go to the statistics section, and see how many customers who received the email, opened them and the number of clicks that they got. This means that even if a customer opened an email, it doesn’t mean that they opened the given link too, and this would impact the outcome of the email marketing campaign.
These statistics are important, because they tell the marketer if they should delete the email they have sent, because they don’t produce any results, or they should continue sending the email. If they didn’t open an email for sixty days, then there are chances that they won’t open that email at all.
Marketers should focus on the content, that attract the attention of customers and make them open an email.