Think about how to improve your web design to enhance user’s experience and increase their chances of returning to your website.
To make your website more effective and serve your visitors better, it is better that you:
Avoid Using Accordions, Tabs, Sliders, And Carousels If Possible
Make Use Of Visual Cues To Direct Attention
Invest In Responsive And Fast Loading Web Pages
Simplify Your Web Pages As Much As You Can
Reduce Choices In Order To Improve Conversions
Try Avoiding Stock Photos
Use Social Proof
Hook Visitors In By Using The Fold
Hopefully, the tips above would help to make your website more effective to your visitors.
Are you making plans on improving your website design? There are several factors that must be considered. Listed below are the factors that you need to consider to help you get your website design done the right way. Read through carefully and implement them to have a well-improved website.
Have A Solid Website Plan
Your website is not just your social presence. Your website must be able to meet the needs of your visitors. Hence, you must make sure that you have a solid plan for your website in place. To get this good website plan in place, interview some of your existing customers. During the interview, make sure that you ask them what they dislike about your website design, ask them what they like too. The answers you receive would help you to make the needed changes to improve your website.Avoid Unnecessary Elements
As much as possible, avoid unnecessary elements in your website. Check your website carefully, it’s possible that some elements of your website do not convey the message or value that you actually want to deliver to your customers. Some of these unnecessary elements may be complicated animations, lengthy articles, too many images, and autoplay or flash videos. All these sometimes lead to bad user experience.Always keep in mind that most of your visitors have a short attention span. On the average, a visitor spends about 8 seconds on a website or blog. If they realize that your website is appealing (responsive and contain needed elements), they will stay. If not, especially when your website lags, or pops out too many videos or photos, they will quickly click away.
Hence, ensure that you use videos and images sparingly. More so, keep the length of your articles between 500 and 1000 words. This is a very good idea. However, if you have longer articles, break them into section using interesting and relevant topics.
With the growing popularity of social media platforms, sharing is now a common activity among users. Everybody would like to share any content they found interesting, useful, or funny on your website on social platforms. Hence, irrespective of how quality and great the content on your website is, if your visitors are not allowed to share it, your website may not get your desired attraction. So, it is advisable that you use social share buttons on your website. Doing this will help you to get large traffic from social media platforms to your website as well.
Ideally, place the social share buttons on either the top or bottom of each post. These buttons will enable your visitors to directly share any of your posts they found interesting on their favourite social media platform.
Use Calls-to-Actions (CTAs)
Imagine your website visitors read your great content and don’t know what next to do all because you didn’t tell them what action to take. As soon as your visitors visit your website and read your content, you must tell them what you want them to do next. At the end of each of your web content, make sure that you add a call-to-action (CTA) button. This button will tell them what next action to take. You can link this button to a product or service that you want to sell or to the next useful web content.Use Images Sparingly
A web page will look too wordy and dull without any visual attraction. Images are used on web pages to make the content more compelling and also to convey the right messages – remember the saying that “a picture speaks a thousand words.” While choosing images for your content, ensure that you choose only relevant and high-quality photos.You can get stock photos, though these will cost you some certain amount of money. However, you can avoid stock photos if possible by shooting photos in your own office. That’s ok if you have a good quality camera and the necessary skills.
This is yet one of the most important elements to improve your website. Navigation is a type of sitemap that shows visitors the main places they can check on your website. It wouldn’t be a very good idea for a visitor to be browsing around your website looking for a particular page or content. In fact, visitors find it very disappointing to visit a website that has a poor navigation interface. They consider it a waste of time. Hence, make sure that your website has a very good navigation interface to guide your visitors to the information they need within a few seconds.
So, you should always keep the 6 important tips above in mind when designing or re-designing your website to give it an improved look.
Are you looking for help on how to improve your web design? If so, contact us for more help.