4 Ways On How To Use LinkedIn For Business Success

4 Ways On How To Use LinkedIn For Business Success - BillLentis.com


LinkedIn is a powerful tool that most business owners are unaware of. They do not know how to use it for their benefit. In fact, most business owners are not on Linkedin. The few who are on the platform are not using it correctly. When used correctly, it can help you make connections and build your brand.

The common misconception is that Linkedin is just a social media platform where one can get a job. That is incorrect. If you are in the B2B business, this is a platform for you. It has about 364 million users. This is a huge market and that is the main reason you should be on this platform. If this isn’t enough to convince you, here are 5 reasons you need to be on the platform.

1. Lead Generation

In terms of referral traffic, this platform has the highest among all the social media sites. Not even Facebook or Twitter. There is widespread belief that Facebook is at the top when it comes to social media marketing for businesses but that is not true. LinkedIn has more than 466 million users and 57% of users access the site from a mobile device. This makes it perfect for B2B business. It is great for finding leads to marketing your products and making sales.

2. Increased Search Visibility on Google

With a properly optimized profile, your chances of ranking in Google search increases. People will be able to see your profile and the products and services that you offer. Profiles on Linkedin are ranked through an algorithm that provides different results for different searches based on information from different sources. You need to improve your profile and do certain things that will connect you to more people on the platform to increase your ranking. You must do the things outlined below in order to increase your ranking.

Include keywords in your header, page description and bio page. Create a list of keywords that are specific to your industry and expertise. For instance, if you are a web development company, you might use keywords such as “web developer”.

You can look at profiles of professionals from your industry with lots of connections to get more keywords that describe your business and add them to your profile.

Your profile should be complete. Make sure the completeness bar is 100 per cent. Complete profiles have a higher ranking in searches than incomplete ones.

Another way to increase your ranking is to do follow up from events. If you recently attended an event, find the people who you met and connect with them. Find and connect with people who posted about the event. This is a great way to increase your rankings rapidly.

Also, congratulate your connections on any special thing happening in their lives such as anniversaries and new appointments.

Follow up with people who visit your profile. You can start a conversation and see if there is anything you can help them with. This will make them visit your profile often and more visits increase your ranking.

3. Using LinkedIn To Circulate Your Content

You can circulate your content using this platform in many ways. Post in groups relevant to your niche and update your personal and business pages with good content.When you share your social media marketing content, you get in front of your current connections and followers.

There are not filtered feed or algorithms like Facebook so you don’t have to worry about them. No matter how much you have interacted with your followers in the past when you make a post, it will always appear in their feed. If you do this every day, it will keep you in their minds all the time.

Consider scheduling updates if you cannot log in every day. This will save you a lot of time. You only need to plan in advance. Scheduled updates ensure that you get content out to your followers on a regular basis. You can use third-party apps like Buffer to schedule your updates.

You can circulate your content by posting to LinkedIn SlideShare. It records about 4 million visitors on a daily basis. This figure is only for desktop visitors. It receives more than 70 million unique visits every month. About 13,000 new pieces of content are added to Slideshare every day. This makes Linkedin a perfect platform to share your content. You can share your company videos, webinar recordings and well-designed informative content. You will be more successful with SlideShare if you upload new content every week.

You also have an option of posting your content on the Linkedin publisher. Over 3 million posts have been created on publishing platform. You can publish once a month or whenever you feel the drive to do so.

4. Using LinkedIn For Personal Branding

Linkedin can make you known as an expert in your field if you use it correctly. You can build trust and become recognized as an authority in your industry. You achieve this by sharing content of other Linkedin members, getting involved in discussions, and answering questions to show your level of knowledge of the subject matter. Start a conversation on industry trends and challenges and provide your views on those trends.

When you do this, people will become curious and want to get to know you more. They will research your company and most likely want to connect with you.

Linkedin can help you grow your business if you use it correctly. It is a worthwhile investment. This article has tried to show you ways you can improve your business through this platform. It is not exhaustive but if you follow the information given in this piece, you will get positive results. You will be able to build brand awareness and develop relationships that will take your business to the next level. Many companies and businesses are already taking advantage of this great platform, don’t be left out.