Using Blogging To Market Your Business

Using Blogging To Market Your Business -
Blogs are a very effective tool when it comes to inbound marketing. Inbound marketing is simply the process of attracting customers through the posting of relevant content. This article explores how blogging can help you in the inbound marketing process.

Inbound Marketing Stages

This section deals with the stages that constitute the inbound marketing process and how they can be implemented in a blog to improve efforts to attract new business. They are namely: attract, convert, close and delight.

Implementation Process

In the first stage of attraction, your main aim is to attract prospects to your site and turn them to a visitor in the site. A visitor in this case means a person who lingers on the site looking for specific information. Getting new and unique visitors should be your main concern because it affects your ranking in the search engine results pages. Basically, the more unique visitors your blog has the higher your chances of getting ranked highly increase. In order to attract prospects and turn them to a visitor on your blog, you should create content is relevant, engaging and provides insight into any issues the customer has.

In terms of relevance, the post should address the specific issue the customer is facing in relation to that particular niche. As for engaging, the content provided should arouse curiosity and hold their attention throughout. Dry and uninteresting content bores the mind and people quickly tune it out and go to other pages to find what they want. It is your job to know your audience well and create things that appeal to the most people and solves the most pervasive problem they have.

Conversion is where interest created turns into leads. Leads in this case means the customers are looking for more information about a product. This could be in the form of queries through forms where they leave their contact details whether in emails or message form. Lead generation is important for every business because it opens up the lines of communication between the prospect and your business. An open line of communication provides a sense of credibility_ you show the prospect that you have nothing to hide and are open to further discussions that are bound to culminate in a sale. After a blog post, there is always a call-to-action that enable people to engage with people who have read the post to leave their contact information which you can pick it up and initiate contact. From there it is up to you build rapport with those leads and provide them with information they might need.

After getting leads for your product, it is time to close. In this stage, you convert those leads you generate into buyers. This is effective, especially after you have employed effort in cultivating trust between you and the prospect and showing them that your product can help solve any problem they might have more than adequately. At this stage you can provide additional information to the prospect about the product so that you can get them to turn into a customer, a process called preselling.

Finally, it is time for you to ensure that the prospect is thoroughly impressed by your product that they become a loyal customer for you in the end. They can ensure word of your product spreads to their close circle translating to more prospects that can turn into leads.

Tips For Increasing Prospects And Customer’s Post Engagement, Eventual Conversions And Sales

If you are keen on improving the way your readers engage with your blog, you need to first know who your audience. Perhaps the most important but still neglected part of running a blog is the in-depth knowledge about who the audience is. If you are keen on running a blog you must know who you are writing for. Information about demographics like age, sex, income and other aspects is tremendously important because it plays a huge role in packaging the overall message. By simply knowing who your readers, you can find a way of appealing to them affecting their emotions in a deep and profound way that achieves what you want. Once you know what your ideal customer is like, you can then proceed to create engaging content that sparks their interests.

When you are dealing with customers for your blog, it is important that you put yourself in their shoes. Do they have a clue about your product? Do they know what the product can do for them or how it works? These are essential questions you need to ask yourself when you want to sell a particular product or service to them. Once you can answer them adequately, you can tailor your message about the product in a way that specifically calms any fears and concerns they might have. If they have no clue about the product, you should take it up yourself to educate them. There are various ways of going about this: a post on how-to, a video or audio presentation. Most prospective customers require a lot of information before they can make a final decision of whether or not to buy a particular product. This step basically ties in with knowing who your audience and where they are in the customer-buyer cycle.

Be specific in the traffic you are targeting if you are to save time and effort in looking for prospects. The problem with organic methods for searching for traffic is that the type of traffic they attract is too little to make a dent in your goal of reaching as many people as possible. Not only do they not do that, but also organic traffic services do not target peopled who are specifically looking for the product you are offering. On the other hand, paid advertising helps drive the specific customer you is looking for the type of product you are offering straight to your site. This method is very powerful in that its specificity of the target market more often than not leads to increased conversions and ultimately inevitable conversions.

By employing blogging as part of your overall marketing strategy, you maximize its impact to attract new business to you. Running a blog must be done so like a tight ship with the main aim of getting good results in mind. It needs time and a lot of effort in order to get right. As long as the right steps for running and improving a blog are followed, you will be in a better position of getting the results you desire.