Top 10 Best, Popular and Famous Highly Paying Affiliate Programs

Top 10 Best, Popular and Famous Highly Paying Affiliate Programs -


Before we come to the discussion regarding the famous and well known affiliate programs, it is important to know what actually an affiliate program is. Affiliate programs are also termed as associate programs. These programs are computerized and mechanized and there is the involvement of a web advertiser and some enrolled or engaged webmasters. A webmaster is a person who owns and runs a specific website. The merchants or the entrepreneurs or the promoters of a specific website employ a webmaster to post their buttons or ads on their respective blogs or websites.

The webmasters in turn get a commission or recommendation charges for the sale of the product when the affiliate link has been clicked by the client or the purchaser to get an access to the website of the businessman to accomplish a required task.

Affiliate links are the links through which the advertisements in affiliate programs are attached or linked to a particular website. A large number of the affiliate programs usually don’t charge any amount of money for joining.

The selection of the banners or the ads to be posted within the domain of their respective website entirely rests with the affiliates. The affiliates make their own assessments and estimations as to which ad is to be posted, keeping in mind the fact that what are the things that will attract their website visitors.

Over the years, this merchandizing through the affiliate programs, which is often termed as the affiliate marketing, has grown into an industry which is expected to give millions and millions of dollars and it is being considered as one of the best ways to legitimize, decriminalize and monetize your website or the blog that is being run by you.

There is specific set of rules and regulations for all the affiliate networks. In fact, all the affiliate networks have their own respective and individual system for trailing, publicizing, delineating, divulging, payment and liquidation.

In simple words, the accord, consensus or the concord between the merchandizer and the webmaster is being termed as an affiliate or associate program. It can also be used as a source of surplus income. If there is any firm, agency, institution or an organization that has created, delineated and fashioned a product and they are using the website that is being run by you, for the promotion, and trade of their product, you can use it as a tool to generate extra income. Simply, you have to invite the visitors of your website to promote and advertise the product and in return you may get the commission.

There are different forms of the affiliate programs, but the most common affiliate programs are the payment per lead or the payment per sale. The payment of these affiliate programs is based on the performance, achievement and accomplishment (which is often termed as payment per action), as opposed to the payment on the bases of the view or the payment on the bases of click (number of time your ad has been clicked and opened by the visitors of the particular site). The affiliates usually pay when an ad has been clicked a thousand times (per thousand clicks).

In this kind of advertisement, payment is not paid for just sharing or posting the ad of your product but payment is done when the product is actually being sold through the advertisement on a particular website.

The APM (Affiliate Program Method) was initiated by One of the reasons of the popularity of these affiliate programs is that it gives benefit to both the businessman and the affiliate or the webmaster.

Affiliate marketing is considered to be a source of getting passive income. In other words, it is a tool through which you get monetary benefit without spending much physical energy in it. For many people, it is a source of earning money even when you are sleeping. The idea behind this affiliate marketing is that you sell and promote the product of other people and once the deal is being finalized, that is, once the product is being sold through you or to be more precise, through your website, you will get your commission.

It is a two-way tool of earning money. If you are selling a product that is being creating by you and you are interested in increasing its sale, you make get into contact with some webmaster to promote your product via his/her website. On the contrary, if you don’t own a product, and you still want to earn money, you may use your website to post the ads of other merchants and get commission form them.

List Of Top Ten High Paying And Best Affiliate Programs

Listed below are the names of top ten affiliate programs that give the highest percentage in terms of commission:


SEMRUSH is one of the high paying affiliate programs. It gives almost 40% commission. The commission is given on monthly bases.

2. TemplateMonster

TemplateMonster provides the merchants with the 30% commission.

3. GetResponse

It is one of the best affiliate programs. It gives a good 33% commission for a lifetime to the person who refers a user to their tool for marketing. The most important thing about it is that it comes with a free-trail for thirty(30) days.

4. Shopify Affiliate Program

Shopify helps you in running a website based on e-commerce and it helps you make your e-com website fully functional.

5. Apps Discover

They offer diverse offers which include payment on weekly bases and easy ways of tracking.

6. Aweber

It has free-sign-up. You don’t have to pay a single penny. It gives 30% commission for lifetime on each referral.

7. Propeller Ads

It offers 5% referral commission.

8. Max Bounty

It offers 5% referral commission for a complete year.

9. Chitika Referral Program

With every reference that you provide them, which is of course successful as well, you will get 10% of their accumulative profit, for a total of ten months.

10. PopAds

They provide a very safe and secure and extremely quick service.