Link Building For Search Engine Optimization: Advantages And Disadvantage

Link Building For Search Engine Optimization Advantages And Disadvantage -


The SEO professionals serving in the industry saw the change in the policies of Google for ranking the page highly problematic and complex. The penguin and panda updates actually led to the closure of business of a number of such professionals who did not consider these amendments in the existing code as fruitful enough to generate good traffic for the websites they had been dealing with. But with time, the SEO professionals started adapting to these new standards and the search engine optimization saw a boost in that time period. The time, after a few months of these updates, actually led to the overuse of the SEO techniques in order to generate more traffic for the business.

Building links are one of the SEO strategies that got importance and is still important. It is being used for the generation of more traffic for the websites. This is because all search engine work on building links and this is link creation can ultimately lead to positive results in search engine optimization.

In this article, we are going to discuss some of the prominent features of link building that could help you in providing more information regarding this technique and its usefulness for the online business.

Things That You Should Avoid While Managing SEO

Most of the beginners in the SEO field think that the content is not important in SEO and link building can help in generation of all the traffic that you can expect to your website. But this is a pure misconception. Link building only helps the search engine in identifying the relevancy of the content on the website with reference to the search query provided by the user. Without effective content, you can expect your readers to leave the website, leading to lower traffic with time.

Now, Google has also become active in penalizing web users and marketers who do not abide by the policies of Google or try to generate fake links for the creation of more traffic. Once found, such businesses can be punished in the form of lower ranking of the website and the blocking of content. So, the misconception that link building is the only way to tell Google about the content relevancy must be over now. You will have to create effective content and then utilize link-building strategy to get better results.

Not To Do’s While Back Linking

The Penguin and Panda updates employed by Google were to get rid of the content that was spam or created with an intention to fool the users and the search engine. Link building was one of the strategies that were used for the creation of such spammy content. A lot of time and effort was spent on this activity for the creation of links that could benefit the websites without creating any real time benefit for the searchers or the ultimate users. Such links had the intention of fooling the algorithm of Google and getting a better ranking on the search engine. With the new upgrade, all such strategies were discouraged. Now following these strategies can lead you to high penalties, which can involve blocking the access of your content on the web browser.

Link Building Tactics That Must Be Avoided

Following link-building tactics must be avoided completely:

Exchanging links with websites for the purpose of increasing ranking is the first point on the “not to do’s list”. If you still opt for this technique, you can expect high-level penalties from the search engine. So avoid this.

The use of low-value directories for placing your link and business information is not recommended. You must place your link on the high-quality directories, which can actually yield beneficial results for you. Additionally, one other thing here is that the directory on which you have placed your list must be relevant to your business or niche.

Getting guest posts for the purpose of link creation along with keyword stuffing must also be avoided by the SEO marketers. This activity can also be considered as spammy by the search engine, leading to severe problems for you.

Then the question is what you should actually do. Here is the list of the activities that you can consider for creating a good link building strategy for your website. There are four basic principles, which can actually help you in business, so let’s have a look at them.

1. Content Is Important

Not any content but the quality content. The use of quality content is important in managing backlinking, particularly, and the overall SEO strategy of the website. The content must be user-friendly and search engine friendly both. It must provide value to the users and at the same time, it must contain keywords for the search engine too.

2. Make Sure Your Links Are Relevant

The creation of inbound and outbound links that are relevant to the niche of the website is the best way for link building. You can link your website of a bookstore with some of the authors or autobiography website, which contains the information about authors. It will be considered appropriate by Google.

3. Quality Matter More Than The Quantity

With the new updates of search engines, quality of the links is more important than the quantity. Getting the right kind of link how few they may be, you can expect good results from this search building technique.

4. Invest In Social Media

Although, you cannot expect the social media likes to be the exact backlinks they are definitely the way to create more engagement, which can actually lead to more traffic to your website. Additionally, higher engagement on social media can also help in better ranking in algorithm calculation.

With all these techniques, you can expect to create better ranking on a search engine but overall search engine optimization and link building are the continuously changing processes, which require you to update your knowledge regularly for better results.