Recipe #1 To Make Celery Juice In A Blender
Take 2 bunches of celery and cut their base and the top. Wash and chop them, placing them on the base of a high power blender. Next, pour ¼ cup of water in the blender, and then put on a lid. Blend the mixture until it becomes smooth, and adjust the celery if it is not touching the blades. Place a nut milk bag in a pitcher, and then pour the contents of the blender through it. The celery juice is ready to be served. If there are any leftovers, then they can be kept in a sealed jar in the fridge. However, the best method is to drink the juice right away.Recipe #2 To Make Celery Juice In A Blender
Celery is the main ingredient of celery juice, but it doesn’t have to be the only one. Take 1 small bunch of celery, ½ English cucumber, 1 large green apple and ½ lemon. There are people who like the taste of ginger in their juice, and then there are those who don’t. If someone does, then add 1 inch knob of ginger in the recipe as well. Put all the ingredients in the blender.Blend on high and then use a strainer to take the juice out from the pulp. Use a spoon to press on the pulp, so that the juice falls in the cup without taking much time. It would be good to drink the juice right away, and not store it. However, it can be kept in an airtight, Mason jar for 24 hours in the fridge.
Tips For Celery Juice
To make the best celery, follow the tips below:• Drink at least 16 ounces of celery juice every morning, on an empty stomach
• Don’t include too many ingredients in celery juice
• Start with a small amount, and then gradually increase it
• When using conventional celery, make sure to wash it properly
• Add one cucumber, if the taste of the celery juice is strong