How To Get An Army Of Affiliates

How To Get An Army Of Affiliates -
You might be surprised at the title of this article and you are probably wondering if you read it right. The fact is, you can get affiliates to pay you for sending buyers to purchase your products.

The system that will be discussed in this article has been around for some years now and it’s very effective. Even if you are a professional in the affiliate marketing business, you will benefit from this. The system was first used by a group of expert marketers and it can work for any new or old marketer. Even after many years, this system is still in use. This article will not go into the exact details of the system. This is to protect the strategy. We will only give highlights of the system and you can make something out of it by yourself.

How Does it work?

You need to first begin with creating a sales funnel. Have a page that offers a compelling lead magnet like “how to earn more commissions”. When the visitors click on the lead magnet or even away from it, they will be directed to a sales page for an online marketing membership site.

There are many levels in the membership site and the lowest level is free to join. The free level is highlighted in the headline to keep visitors on the page, and they promote the features of the other levels. Each level has more and better features and content.
The free level doesn’t offer much. It is basic and only gives enough information for new marketers to start out their journey of making money online.
Each level costs more than the previous level but the prices are not so different. This is to make the visitors go for the highest level.

Below Is An Example Of The Pricing:
Level 1: Free
Level 2: $30 per month
Level 3: $43 per month
Level 4: $47 per month

This is just an example, they are not the real prices but it gives you an idea of how the pricing looks. As you can see, the difference between the price of level 3 and 4 is not so much. This will make the visitors forget about level 2 and focus on the differences between levels 3 and 4. They will most likely opt for level 4 if they are going for paid membership.

The content is fed into this funnel every week. We have not really seen how to get affiliates to pay you to send buyers to you for your products. So here it is.
There is a built-in affiliate program at all the levels. This allows the affiliates to sell their own memberships for any level they qualify for.

What this means is that if an affiliate is a level 2 member, he can give away level one and sell level 2. They still get paid if they sell level 3 and 4 but the pay is little compared to what they will get when they sell level 2.

But as level 4 members, they can sell all the four levels and keep all the money. Yes, you read that right. All the money made from the sale belongs to them!

This may sound complicated to you now but when you do it, you will see that it’s actually simple. With this system, you will have affiliate paying you $47 every month from selling memberships and keeping all the money.

This is definitely a good deal for affiliates. Many will eagerly grab this deal because they do not have to worry about hosting and other things because the membership covers all that.

The affiliate gets a membership area with a unique sales page URL and squeeze page URL. The content is channelled to the member’s area automatically. The system manages the subscriptions and levels. All the affiliate has to do is to promote products and make sales using the squeeze page URL. By promoting the URL, the affiliate builds a list of potential buyers while earning residual income.

The system does not allow affiliates to export the list of potential and existing customers. They can only send emails to their list from inside the system. They lose their list if they stop paying their monthly fee. This will make many affiliates not to leave.

What Are The Conditions?

The system makes it clear that members site operators can access all the potential and existing customers who sign up. This means that affiliates can send emails to potential and existing customers at any time with an offer. Offers can also be placed in the membership area by site owners.

Are you seeing the picture now? Affiliates pay you any price you choose per month to be able to build a list of potential and existing customers for you.

The affiliates are also getting a good deal with the 100% commission they get and the privilege of mailing their potential and existing customers from within your site.

A Win-Win For Everyone

This is really a win-win for you and the affiliates and if you do it correctly, you can get a huge amount of potential and existing customers for yourself. You also earn a big income that will enable you to pay for your membership site and have some change left.

The people who use this system have been making as much as five figures per month from only the membership site fees. The earnings from the emails they send to their long email list or from the promotions in the member area are not included in this figure.

Just imagine earning such a huge amount from your membership site and having many affiliates working to build your list of potential customers. It’s incredible, isn’t it? If you start employing this system today, you will definitely make it big in affiliate marketing.