Renting An Apartment: What You Need To Know

Renting An Apartment - What You Need To Know -


Searching for the right apartment is not an easy task, especially if you are a young adult about to live on your own for the first time. Though it may seem like a hard task to do, by following a number of steps, you can be sure to get the right place at the right price. So where do we get started?

The Budget

This is perhaps the most important thing when it comes to renting an apartment. You need to make sure that before you rent out an apartment, and even before you embark on your apartment hunting expedition that you have a budget. A budget when it comes to renting out an apartment should be within your means and a figure that you can comfortably pay without having to struggle.

According to finance experts your monthly income should not exceed 30% of your monthly income. By working on your budget before hand, you will be able to determine the right price range that will work for you.

Consider Your Needs

Since you will be living in the apartment for a while, you need to have a list of things that you are interested in the ideal apartment for you. The first consideration has to do with your space needs. You need to make sure that the apartment that you are looking at meets your space requirements. Space requirements may be in terms of your furniture. You should make sure that your furniture can easily fit within the apartment that you are eyeing.

Other than the space that the apartment has, you also need to take a look at the amenities that you need for your home. The amenities may be a swimming pool, a gym or a restaurant. You need to be particular with what it is you are looking for in an apartment, if you are looking for an apartment that offers a particular amenity that is of interest to you, do a bit of research and find out the one that is within your budget.

If you are a pet owner, then you need to ask from the very word go whether there are restrictions to owning your pet and what is allowed. This way you will be able to avert any trouble when it comes to having your pet within the apartment’s compound.

Though it may feel a little obvious, you need to consider strongly whether the apartment meets your needs in terms of its location. Is it located near roads that make your travel easy? This should be especially the case, if you are constantly on the move. You should also consider the type of person that you are, if you enjoy more of the outdoors, then you need to find an apartment that is located near a park that will offer you this. If you love the night life, then an apartment that is easily accessible from local clubs and bars would be ideal for you.

Neighborhood And Safety

The neighborhood in which the apartment is in, is very important if you are to get the best from your apartment of choice. After considering your budget, and the amenities that are on offer at the building of your choice, you need to interact with the neighborhood which will potentially be your home for a long time.

What this means is that you need to walk through the neighborhood, get to interact with the environment or even visit the local store. This way you will get a good picture of the demographics of the region within which your apartment of choice is within.

You also need to do your due diligence in determining the security of the area that you are looking to move in. One way to do this is looking at the criminal records in the area and determining whether or not it is safe for you to stay in the place.

Other than this, you need to make sure that you are living in an apartment where the landlord is good and will not be a bother to you. The one way to find out if this will be the ideal place for you to live is by talking to other tenants. By talking to other tenants you will quickly get an idea of how courteous he or she is and how promptly he or she reacts to complaints. Through the tenants, you can also get an idea of the living expenses in the area. This may include utility expenses and also entertainment expenses. Further you may be able to get information on the best local amenities in the area and other information on the neighborhood.

Check Out The Following

Other than the above, you need to make sure that things in the house work properly. Therefore, make sure to look out for the following.

Top on the list is the lighting, check to see whether everything is functioning properly, are the sockets working as they should? Are the switches working as they should? Other than lighting, you should check on the state of fittings such as the toilet. Confirm whether the toilet works as it should and that it actually flushes. In this regard, also check to see whether the doors and the windows open and lock as they should. In the event that you notice any problems take a picture and show this to the landlord. This will help you avoid paying for maintenance fees for damages that you did not make to the apartment.


Though finding the right apartment may be difficult, by following the above tips, you can be sure to get the best deal for you. Not only will you be keeping to your budget, but you will also get your needs addressed at the same time. If you are looking to make the best decision in as far as getting the best from your apartment, do not compromise on the tips mentioned in this article.