5 SEO Techniques That Will Tank Your Website

5 SEO Techniques That Will Tank Your Website - BillLentis.com


A search engine is software that is modeled and developed to quest and pursuit some specific information on the internet (World Wide Web). The results of a particular research are presented and displayed in SERPs (Search Engine Research Pages).

The information displayed is an amalgamation of diverse kinds of files which include web pages, videos, images, articles and other related research papers and research journals.

In everyday usage, Search Engine Optimization is being referred to as SEO. SEO is the procedural, mechanical and operational usage of the knowledge, dexterity, plans tactics and other related approaches which aid in escalating, proliferating, intensifying and boosting the fraction of the visitors who visit a particular website in an attempt to conduct their specific research.

If a person intends to make his/her website accessible, he/she can make use of SEO to make the website approachable to the search engine. It is further helpful in strengthening the prospects of a particular website to be found by the research engine. All the practices that are being adopted and practiced by the web masters or the developers of significant web content to improve their rank can be better aided via SEO.

Language is a tool that is not only used by the human beings for communication but the computers and other technological gadgets make use of language to perform the action that is being assigned to them. While creating a website, a person usually comes into contact with a multiplicity of language variations. Usually it is easy for a professional, specialized and a proficient person to decipher that language, but there are certain terms that are not comprehendible.

For instance the phrases ‘white hat’ and ‘black hat’ are quite often used in SEO. These phrases have different connotations for a layman. For an ordinary person, they may refer to the hats that are being worn by the royals at some formal event or weddings. On the contrary, in SEO, black hat refers to techniques and approaches that are being approved by Google. These techniques do not make use of any substandard or deficient techniques to aid them in achieving their high rank. Black hat does not follow the Google-approved techniques and may not even abide by the rules and regulations of Google.

Sometimes when a website is created, it gets hold of a lot of traffic and it starts facing problems in the accessibility of that website. To overcome this issue, a mirror site is created. The mirror site is the imitation and reflection of the original website but is available at an altered web address.

Any individual who is addicted to social media might make use of link baiting. Always design your website taking into consideration the fact that the content on your website should have the tendency to bait and attract other web master and producers of websites to link to the content that is available at your website.

Initially, SEO was not that famous and was not used and adopted frequently. After the humble beginnings, it gradually gained strength and became effective. Approaches, schemes and strategies that were famous in the early decades of 2000 are now considered to be catastrophic for any website. Furthermore, the search engines have also developed and progressed at a quick pace. Their algorithms have improved a great deal, and work better in discovering the inferior or bad websites that lack novelty and make use of copy and paste material or the websites that are completely filled with inappropriate and extraneous content.

Amazingly, these out-dated, archaic and old-fashioned techniques are still being used by some of the web designers. There are a few SEO techniques that may lead your website towards disaster and may TANK the website that is being run by you. It is mandatory that you should try to avoid them.

Keyword Stuffing

In the early decades of 2000 keyboard stuffing was considered to be a charm, something like a magic that was expected to work wonders. As time elapsed, it turned out to be a disaster. Key stuffing is a technique that is being regarded as a sign of danger by the famous search engine Google. Making use of this key stuffing would instantly get your website banned from the search engine.

Although it may sound illogical but the fact remains that there are a lot of people who still make use of it.

Duplicate Content

Making use of a duplicate or copied content is not appreciated by Google. If you place duplicate content on you web page you would immediately be alarmed by Google. Nonetheless, the duplicate content is fiddly and complicated. For example, if the content of your website has been created by you and has not been copies from any other web page, or if you have made use of proper citation, then you are in a safer zone. On the contrary if, you are found guilty by Google in terms of duplication or copy of the content you would have to pay the penalty. If you would continue doing so, your website would be deindexed by Google.

URL Hijacking And Typo Squatting

Typos are the errors that are being caused due to the click of a wrong button. Typos are usually considered to be human errors. Google now has the ability to identify the kinds of errors that are not wholly caused by the human beings. When URLs are hijacked by the webmasters, they deliberately build their website around a typo. For example, if you just alter the country code, you will still land in trouble. Furthermore, if you fashion and built a mischievous domain on some identical famous brand, you may get sued by the company.

Shady Redirects From Expired Domains

The early years of 2008 are considered to be very vital in the development of SEO. 301 redirect was in fashion those days. There are many webmasters in this era who are still making use of it. There are a lot of search engines including Google which are now reprimanding and penalizing the exploitation of the expired and out dated domains. Getting to a website that is considered to be malicious would end up with disastrous results for your merchandize.

Content Automation

It is daunting and discouraged to get a lot of content on your web page. Using something like content automation as a quick fix, would get you into trouble with Google. Once you get a lot of content for your website, it would become humanly impossible to read all the content and ultimately your website would lose its rank and would be blacklisted. You have to keep in mind the fact that the content on your website is for the human beings not for the search engines. So, the content should be upright and should possess good quality.