5 Tips To Run Pay-Per-Click Ads Profitably

5 Tips To Run Pay-Per-Click Ads Profitably - BillLentis.com


Pay-per-click advertising (PPC) is usually found on search engine results pages. The ads are great channels to develop and convert leads online. If you want to earn big, you cannot do without PPC ad campaigns.

This article will discuss how you can run PPC ads to make maximum profit.

1. Have A Plan And Stick To It

Having a plan might sound simple but you can’t do without it if you want your campaign to succeed. The most common mistake people make is having no clear plan before launching their campaign.

If you want positive results, you need to have a plan. You must perform do research to gain the required knowledge needed to apply your strategy. It requires understanding the psychological and behavioural changes of consumers, assessing competition, conducting marketing analysis and much more.

How Do You Start Planning?

Utilize information from previous years. You have a lot of information available from previous years that you can use to your advantage. It is important for you to review historical data before you begin working on your campaign strategies. It is necessary to have a holistic approach in your planning because your ad campaign is part of your overall business objective.

The goal of your advertising plan should align with those of your business for it to be profitable. Don’t make your PPC campaign a day to day project. Create a plan and stick to it and watch your profit margins rise in no time.

Resist the urge to make changes to your campaign every minute especially when things are not going as you expected. This will harm your campaign because you are focusing too much on individual scenarios instead of looking at the bigger picture and ultimate campaign goals.

2. Use The Right Tracking Tools

Tracking is very important. Having the right tracking setup is crucial to the success of your campaign. Tracking conversions allow you to understand the impact of your campaign. It is not enough to rely on click-through-rates. These might make you happy, but they don’t bring you money or make your campaign successful. Instead, it is important to capture that metrics that will enable you to track conversions and optimise your campaign accordingly.

So what are the metrics you need to identify? First of all, what is a conversion? It is an action that someone takes after interacting with your ad. It would be an online purchase, newsletter signup or getting in touch with you through a phone call.

Most times people often narrow conversions down to things like an app download or a verified purchase. But it entails more than that. It is better to look at big-picture trends to get vital insight into your audience behaviour and interests.

To define your conversion goals, you need to take a close look at your business’ objectives. What are the specific goals of your site and what actions do you want visitors to take? What is the value of each conversion and are you generating enough leads? These questions will help you to better understand your campaign objectives and how to set it up. Note that your sales won’t increase overnight because you track conversions and analyse data. But you will be able to make better marketing decisions that will increase the campaign’s ROI.

How Does Proper Tracking Increase Campaign’s Profitability?

Just like a popular saying, if you can’t teach your conversions, you can’t improve it. Studies have shown that a large percentage of campaigns with poor tracking don’t yield positive results. So if you are not tracking conversions, don’t expect any profit. It’s as simple as that.

3. Proper Data Attribution

If you can understand and find the perfect attribution model for your business, you will benefit greatly from your campaign. There are risks with trying out different attribution models but it can be rewarding in the end. Last click attribution is the default model for Google Ads but consumers have evolved so it doesn’t make sense anymore. Consumers are far more educated now with access to real-time data and many options, so they do thorough and extensive research.

Google has an Attribution model comparison tool that provides metric forecasts for each attribution model so you can predict the result of any change to your campaign’s model. You need to understand how every step within the sales funnel contributes to conversion and how you can apply it to your campaign. This way you can correctly identify all potential customers and in turn, increase your return on investment.

4. Create Custom Audiences

As good as keyword intent and ad content are, they need to be matched to the right audience for them to be effective. Having a good knowledge of your uses and those who convert, will allow you to beetroot target your campaign. A large percentage of your revenue will come from a small percentage of your audience. This is why proper targeting is important. Identifying high-value customers will make a difference in your campaign profit.

As earlier discussed, to understand the sales path means to understand your audience and how to properly target it. When you segment your audience, you will be able to change your approach to specific groups of people considering that buyer intent differs from time to time. You can provide information that appeals to them the most.

5. Employ Remarketing

When you display specific ads to users based on their previous actions on your site, it is called remarketing. This can be very effective in terms of conversion and costs because you can use the previous actions to identify individuals who are really interested in your product or service. You will have an unbeatable campaign if you use remarketing lists.

PPC advertising is always changing. You must be ready to embrace new trends and opportunities to stay ahead of the competition and boost profitability. Have a definite plan, target the right audience and implement the appropriate tools. This is the best way to achieve success.